Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Update from Poseidon.

Hello loyal supporters!

We are set to cross the equator in just less than two days. We are
hoping (more so from me) that we will go over at first light on friday
morning, and then I will jump into the sea and either swim, or if still
sleepy, get dragged over to the northern hemisphere:)

We have had a slow few day with very little wind to speak of. We have
thus been motorsailing on and off. The wind has picked up a bit today,
so no more humming of the diesel engine in the background...just the
angelic sounds of ABBA:) Pieter was giving us a brilliant rendition of
Pearl Jam last night too, so music is very much a part of our lunch time
and sunset gatherings around the helming station...

We are currently at 03* 43'S 18* 46'W and our time is 13:10 UTC. We
decided today to whip out the good ol' charts and navigation tools to do
some chart work for fun...We saw that we are approximately 280nm
from passing over "Romanche gap", part of the Pillsbury Seamount which
comes up to 801m and drops down to a staggering 7728m, possibly the
deepest spot in the Atlantic! I wonder what strange, mystical creatures
live at that depth?? We are planning on taking a bottle, sealing some
messages in a jiffy, filling the bottle with water and dropping the
bottle to the bottom of the ocean. If you have any messages that you
would like us to send down please let us know via email or on the blog.
Our current depth is approximately 4000m. We are planning on crossing
the equator between 20*W and 22* 30'W; and from there possibly head a
bit further north, or begin making our approach towards Madeira. The
further west we begin our approach of Madeira, the less we will come
into contact with the more bumpy conditions closer to the African

We had some amazing cloud formations during last nights sunset. There
was just about every type of cloud formation in the sky, from Cirrus to
Cumulonimbus...was great fun to grab the "Sailing Bible" that I have
been reading to identify the various types of clouds...I also predicted
rain last night..... and Paul and Pieter wont believe me that it rained
when I was on watch, and then the boat dried completely before they woke
up:) Maybe SABC News needs a new weather man??

Here is a task for all of you for tomorrow: Take a minute in the day to
stop and think of all the great things you do have in life. Appreciate
the fact that your heart is beating, your family loves you, your friends
are always there for you...All the other stuff in life are added
bonuses. But dont waste a second worrying about the things you dont have
yet...Tell the special people in your life that to the world they are
one person, but they mean the world to you..

Until next time...


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