two motors every four hours we are doing between 7 something and 8
something kts.At the start we had a bit of westerlies on the beam
causing the swell also to come at us from the side.As the grib weather
file predicted the wind has backed to SW turning south and the swell
following suite.
We started cooking on the first day and our first supper was a sumptious
stew prepared by Liezel.Tonight Bernhard treated us to pap en wors and a
nice chilli gravy sided with some curry green bean salad.Suffice to say
there were no left overs on either occasion.
Later today we will cross the Orange River mouth and going wide around
to avoid the diamond mining areas and sand banks.Soon we will start
heading straight north and expect to arrive at Walvis Bay round about
noon on Sunday.We have one fishing line out but so far no go in that
Everyone on board is well and enjoying the experiences to be had our
here.Our position at 1:30am on 28/10/11 is 29*41"S and 015*01"E.To get a
feel for where we are you can check our position on google earth.Wishing
you a most pleasant day.