Monday, March 12, 2012

To catch a booby bird is crazy

Tonight the stars are shining bright again, as they do every night I
guess, but without Sister Moon to brighten the skies, they were
certainly much more visible. At about 10pm our time the moon dressed in
shades of peach started peeping through the clouds to see who would be
watching her performance tonight. As soon as she was above the clouds
her long silver shadow was reflected upon the dark waters around us. My
watch was once again over far too soon and I reluctantly handed over to
Nick who also loves the night. We all do I think but he makes more of it
than the other two boys on board,a good time to reflect and connect.

Our passage from Panama so far has been very calm with a little wind now
and then to speed us up. Always awesome to turn the motors off and sail
a while. The motors are certainly not noisy, I guess one gets used to
the sound and learns to enjoy that as well. We are just under 4000nm
from Tahiti and although we are going a bit slow at the moment we should
gradually get some more wind once we have passed Galapagos. The little
we loose now in keeping an average of six knots we should catch up then.
We will be passing north of Galapagos in about two days and expect some
interesting currents during this passage. No stopping for various
reasons, but should we make good time further down we will maybe drop
anchor at Fatu Hiva just to stretch our legs a bit. Back to Galapagos,
it lies right on the equator and we will once again cross over, this
time from the North Pacific to the Soutrh Pacific.

The boys have been at sea a bit long I think, they are now trying to
catch one of the booby birds diving down at our lures every so
often. Apparently they have plans to roast it in the oven. I doubt very
much that they will succeed,but time will tell. In very calm waters like
we are experiencing at the moment fishing is normally not good, but once
we speed up and the surface of the water becomes more lively we will be
in with a chance. In the meantime we enjoy what we have on board. Steven
prepared some tuna pasta for supper and whipped up quite a delicious
meal. The tuna is canned tuna,just in case you thought you missed out on

We are running out of tobacco and within the next week or so we will
probably be scratching around for some here and there. Guys even smoke
tea at times , but soon the craving will be over. No nautical term
today, but our position at midnight was 02*39'N/087*42'W.

Hope you have a marvelous Monday.

Captain Paul

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