Saturday, April 16, 2011

The ocean of life

And so it goes, tack one way for a few hours, tack the other way for a
few hours, for the next few days. And what can one do bot to keep at it.
The test now becomes a mental one, the toughest test of them all. Some
live in the past, some live in the future, most live in a combination of
the two. Only few have the capacity to live in the moment. And yet, that
is all we have, moment for moment. Yes, I miss my family dearly and
can't wait to get home. A wife missing her husband, a daughter missing
her daddy, and a daddy missing both of them. But when we are re-united,
the joy we experience is boundless, nothing is taken for granted, every
moment is precious.

Both Felix and Brad have got plans of their own. All good things comes
to them that wait. They may not know it, but this time on the ocean is
moulding them for greater things. It will give them something that they
will carry with them into the future. The greatest knowledge is
knowledge of self. Know your strenghts, know your weaknesses,
intimately. Learn to respect yourself, to love and appreciate yourself,
learn about the sacredness of you.Only to the extend that you can do
this can you apply it to the world around you. You cannot give what you
don't have.Learn to laugh at yourself, probably the most healthy thing
you van do. Learn to appreciate yourself, and you will learn to
appreciate the road you are on. It is a sacred quest.

On the other side of the coin you loath yourself, you have very little
real self respect,you confuse loving yourself with selfishness, you get
frustrated and loose sight of the magic of the moment that you are in.
It is a choice. St.Augustine prayed for courage to accept the things he
can't change, and for strength the change the things he can. This is the
hero's journey, portrayed in all cultures. Most fall by the wayside,
tripped or trapped by the obstacles on the way. How many times you
stumble and fall is not as important as how many times you stand up and
carry on again. Stronger and wiser.

Only when you realize that the destination is not where it is at, but
what you learn on the way there, that you will reach your true destiny.
And if you collect and bag a few treasures on your way, then blessed are
you. Humbleness is not a sign of weakness. Meekness is not a sign of
subservience. On the contrary. To be meek is to be quiet and hear and
obey your inner calling. To be humble is to be strong enough to stay
focused on your path and not be sidetracked by vanity and glory.

It takes enourmous courage to stand alone, yet we are born alone and we
die alone. To seek safety in numbers is fine, you will find it. But just
as a boat is not built to sit in a harbour, so you also were not made to
hide from life. Sadly, most boats you will find most of the time in a
harbour.It remains your choice. It is essential to touch base now and
then, but I am yet to see a happy boat tied down to a pier. And when a
big storm hits the harbour and the mooring lines break loose,the boats
smash into each other and sink. On the open ocean boats are built to
weather storms, and they are safer out there than anywhere else.

As I have been reminded recently,one is somewhat conditioned to see what
one sees.But the ultimate goal is not to see,but be aware and therefore
see everything.It is amazing if one walks somewhere where there are a lot
of people and you just observe people,without any though of what they are
doing or saying.Just switch your glance every moment to the next person in
your vision,and carry on in this mode.You will see a lot more and be far
more aware,without being intrusive.

We find ourselves 10nm just off the coast of Algiers, Northern Africa. Our
position @ UTC 01:00 PM 37*00'N/03*07'E and we are about 880nm from

Have a solid weekend


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