Wednesday, March 5, 2014

In Memories of Bucky

Thibault requested to read us something he wrote just before supper. Our
waterbucket was lost overboard. Over then to T :-

To our Friend! Buck!! Aka "Buck the Bucket", also as known as "Buck the
Bloody Bucket", or "Bucky" for close friends...
He was an Infinity's crew member (at least,I had someone hierarchy
underneath me, but anyway ;).He was always here when you needed him,
always helpful during your shower, very useful for the dishes, and
necessary for the washing! He was even always ready for any heatstroke!
He loved to be dragged at the stern of the boat.But never "in drag" and
never stern (severe) with you..
His hobby was to surf and to ride the waves on our wake. He also liked to
dive and swim just a little bit, sometimes...
WATER was is Element, and he disappeared on his element. I think it was
the best for him (maybe not for the Ocean,but anyway;).
He was not only part of the Infinity's Crew but he was also infinitely
lovely and he was part of the Family.
To Our Brother who passed away too young, to our Tchomi, to Mister B.!
Buck, we will miss you! Especially your blond/yellow hair you had (I'm
talking about the very nice and very strong rope!!;) Rest In Peace !
Yesterday, "The Old Man" gave us a beautiful Dorado, part of the Ocean's
Today, we had to give him back someone from our family.
So now, Let's enjoy this gorgeous fish, and have together a Thought to
Bless him! And Bon Appetit !!!!

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