Friday, January 27, 2012

Back in the day, on the day and the days ahead

Back in the early 70's I was already drawn to studying all manner of off
beat subjects, including the Mayans. If I had to choose between bying a
loaf of bread or a book I would buy the book. An insatiable thirst and
hunger for knowledge would find me in the library, starting one side and
ending the other. I had two library cards, and instead of three books I
would take out six books. And a few days later I would be back for more.
Studying the life and works of the greatest artists, ancient
civilizations and their ancient books, philosophy, psychology, psycic
phenomena and the list just goes on and on.I have been an ardent student
of astronomy and astrology and some other pseudo sciences. No tv then in
our country so we had to look elsewhere for knowledge, unbiased and
without an agenda. We listened to rugby etc on the radio, the theatre of
the mind. I also tried my hands at many many things, pottery,
leatherworks, beadwork, learned to play classical guitar although I also
love playing the blues. During my school years I also attended
theological studies at night and by the age of 18 I was a fully ordained
minister, thinking about becoming a missionary.I have owned and employed
20 people doing building and renovations. I have also travelled far and
wide, have been to all the continents and sailed almost all of the
oceans and seas on the planet, having sailed more than four times around
the globe if I calculate all my accumulated nautical miles which has
given me lots of time to think. I was married for twelve years when my
late wife passed away, and got married again two years later. And now,
at the age of 47 I have an 8 year old daughter. You may wonder why I am
boring you with all this personal stuff. Simple really. In the coming
days I want to share a lot with you pertaining to 2012. Some heavy
stuff, some really light stuff. And I hope it will lift your spirit.

'A Blind Eye' is the term with nautical origins on the menu today.
Turning a blind eye stems from the famous incident during the Battle of
Copenhagen when Admiral Nelson, as second in command, complained he
could not see the flag signal from his superior which ordered him to
break off the bombardment. He had deliberately placed the telescope to
his blind eye, and proceeded to ignore the order, with glorious results.

Turning a blind eye to what is happening to our beloved planet Gaia will
not change the outcome of events, so rather keep your eyes wide open.

Our current position is 12*33'S/011*35'W. our weather predicted a bit
lighter winds for today and it is fairly accurate.Enough to keep the
sails filled but not enough to keep up our required average. A good time
to motorsail a bit and charge the boat batteries, run the freezer and
refrigerator, charge our laptops, our i pads, cameras and so on.

Take good care till the morrow.

Captain Paul

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