Friday, February 3, 2012

And another one bites the dust

We had a hook-up, the bucket went in, the danbouy went flying it's flag,
all hands on deck, we dropped the loose headsail, then furled in the
main headsail, then started the motor and turned the boat around and
started looking for the red and orange flag which was by this time far
behind us. Just turned the boat right around and started backtracking,
binoculars scanning the horizon. Into the wind and swell we eventually
spotted the flag and another ten minutes or so we were at the flag. At
the time of the hook-up Nick was on watch and woke me up with some
urgency. We watched the billfish jumping and furiously slapping his tail
in the water, making big splashes dragging the drum and danbouy behind
him. Time of hook-up was exactly 09:15 our time which would make it
about 13h15 your time as our time is now four hours behind you. We were
shouting from the thrill of thinking that this time we had it.

When we got to the the drum and danbouy we thought the fish must be
tired as there was not much drag on the line.Huge was our disapointment
when we retrieved the line and found the line chafed through, the hook
off and the fish gone. Immediatly back to the drawing board I asked
Steven to braid us a length of trace using three strands and tieed this
onto the hook and through the lure which was still on. A little blue and
white lure that I specified and Nick tied on this morning. An hour later
and we are back on track, our sails aflying and our lure looking for
some unwary denizen of the deep.

Nick is busy making some cupcakes at the moment, Steven is on watch and
just made us some 2miinute noodles for lunch and Eduan is having a nap
outside in the shade. It is now nearly 30*C here by us, wonder what will
happen when we go 10* higher. Myself once again humbled and thankful for
the opportunity to try harder, stretch my brain a bit and take it to the
max, once again. If this doesn't work I will get some steel trace cable
or wire from my amigo Armando in Fortaleza.

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