Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where did Love originate from ?

Here by us all is well. For the last few days we've been having some
good winds and making up for some lost time. We also had another strike
this morning and came to the coclusion that it must be billfish,
probably sailfish which is trying to stun our lures. In a natural
enviroment billfish would stun their prey and as the prey then stop
swimming for a moment position themselves and go for the kill,
swallowing the in this case flying fish. There are copious amounts of
flying fish all around, taking off in huge squadrons, touching the water
and taking off again in random directions. Their glistening bodies and
awesome manouvres are always awesome to watch.It also gives us the
reassurance that there is life out here, besides ourselves. One of the
lures I have no rigged specifically for billfish, a type of outrigger
configuration. I have had success a few times before with this method
and we normally release the saily.

An interesting question came up, hence the subject of this posting. We
often end our correspondence with Love and Light. By that we imply and
wish Love and Light of the highest order to abide with you on your
journey. If we summize that the method that was used to create the
universe was a most amazing orchestrated event called the 'Big Bang' and
that Light originated from there, where would Love then originate from.
The English language is sometimes not so descriptive as we would
want,and other languages follow closely behind. There are all types of
love, and we use it to describe a feeling, a thought, an expression.
Using the same word to describe a nearly endless variety of what of what
we are trying to express, all with different meanings. Yes, there are a
lot of truisms and cliches about love, but what is it really and where
does it originate from? I don't know. I have a few ideas but I am
looking for something new, a new insight into this very thing called
love. I know you can come up with sentences that contain the word love .
We all pertain to be experts at it. We all want it, we are all looking
for it, and we all give it.

Our first experience of love is and was motherly love. Right through the
animal kingdom we can see it. Can plants also give and receive love. Are
the fruit and vegetables we eat perhaps accepting the love of plants. On
all accounts love is definately a type of energy that vibrates
throughout the universe. Is compassion love? I certainly think so, and I
also think it is the highest form of love. And what you give is what you
get. Sometimes these are ideas that we don't understand completely. On a
more practical level showing how energy resonates in unison there are
many examples I can give. If I pluck one string on my guitar I can feel
the other strings vibrating as well, including the wood that forms and
amplifies the sound of the string. Your voice is also an instrument that
resonates. Some opera singers can reach such a high note with their
voices that they can can crack a crystal glass. In the same way, this
wave energy that starts at a source travels on and on, perhaps into
infinity.I have much to contemplate on this matter as I would like to
solidy this ethereal matter into some new understanding. If you have any
ideas on this matter please share it.

"Fathom" is the nautical term today. From the Anglo Saxom 'faedm' to
embrace, which loosely describes the manner by which this measure
arrived. A fathom is six feet which is the span of an average man's
arms. Ropes to be measured were held in each hand and stretched across
the chest. Unhappily the word is dying at sea as measures and depths are
now expressed in metres. However, the word still survives ashore where
its figurative meaning is to get to the bottom of things to penetrate or

Our position now @ 11:30 UTC + 1 is 07*02'S/021*39'W. We are 1020nm from
Fortaleza. Tomorrow we will look a bit at Time, our sometimes relentless

Love and Light


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