Thursday, February 10, 2011

20 kg Longfin Tuna on handline !

Yesterday late afternoon,after supper was served and all cleaned up,Brad and myself were talking about fishing after looking
at some photos of fish we've landed on deliveries.Next moment the tin we rig as an alarm sounded and the line was totally
taught.In a flash I was there and experienced the thrill of a fish on a handline.I soon gave the line to Brad so he could
experience his first fish on the ocean.It was on his watch and therefore his baby.After a short while the line slacked and
the tuna was swimming towards the boat.Suddenly he powered away again and inflicted a nice little line burn on Brad's
finger,a little battle scar.The boat is ok.By this time Pieter was out with sailing gloves and together they hauled in this
beast of a beauty.They pulled it aboard,tied a noose around the tail,made a few cuts to bleed and we dragged it backwards
through the water.Once it stopped flapping we pulled it back in and set about processing the body.We filled our freezer,made
some biltong and also had sushimi,the freshest these guys have ever had.We will post some pictures once in St.Helena.

Pieter is much much better with his sealegs and really starting to enjoy the trip.Brad is opting to sleep in the lounge when
it gets a bit bumpy up front.Both are shaping excellent in all manners relating to sailing a vessel and enjoying it.Missing
the loved ones as we all are all the time,but we do what we do because it is what we do best.

Since about 9 last night the wind has veered back to SW and we are sailing on a beam reach making great miles.Weather
predicts that we should be having S or SE.At first I thought the SW will only be around for a short while and opted to stay
on a run with the twin headsails and were pushed up N,even NNE.We dropped the one headsail at midnight and turned NW
again,making fair miles and still expecting the wind to back S.At 3 this morning when Brad took over watch,we furled the
genoa,raised the main,unfurled the genoa and sailing fast.I can see the swell is starting to run in from the S and the wind
is just starting to put us on a broad reach.If this all sounds too technical,in a nutshell we are having fun and doing the
best with what we get.

Our position now @ 12:30 27*02'S/10*29'E.Distance to St.Helena 1120nm,ETA 18/02 @ 6kts.Distance to Greece 6590nm,ETA 10/04 @
5kts and four days for stops.The week is nearly over and wishing you a pleasant day ahead.



  1. Dear Paul, great reading the blog. Please tell Pieter all the girls at Panorama medi clinic NICU (aka bonnies support group and pieter's fan club) say hi and send hugs. Glad to hear he isn't feeding the fish anymore. Take care. Happy sailing. Claire Pitt p.s. Please have a piece of fresh tuna for me.

  2. Hey guys , have only just had a chance to look at your blog - i love it! So great to read news on what you experiencing daily. Brad, sounds like you having a great time - we missing you. The Snels
