Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Adventures of SinBrad the Sailor

Hello all you lovely people.

For those of you who dont know me, my name is Bradley Cannon. Pieter and
I have now found our sea legs, settled ourselves, and have now changed
to a higher gear aboard this amazing trip to Greece. Pieter is no longer
tasting his dinner twice, and is in great spirit! I have grown
accustomed to being flung around my cabin when the ride gets a bit
bumpy, and have tended to adopt the saloon as my place of rest from time
to time...but I would have it no other way! This is by far the longest
passage I have ever sailed thus far! Both Pieter and myself have at
times wondered, "what have I gotten myself into?"...There is no turning
back, and no such thing as "calling in sick". We are on this trip,
period. And we are both loving every moment of it! This has already been
such a learning experience and adventure, and its only week one!

We have all had our introductory cooking shifts, where we got to assess
what sort of cooking awaits us in the next couple of weeks... I think we
have done well so far...Pieter is a closet Jamie Oliver, and Paul makes
an amazing cup of tea:) No, really Paul is an amazing cook too! I think
I might be the weak link in the kitchen, but I have a few tricks up my
sleeve! Dont fret!

We are all getting along really well, and it seems very unlikely that
one of us might be accidently pushed overboard:) I think we have a nice
mix of personalities on the boat, with each personality complimenting
the other...

We are making great progress, and are looking to arrive at St Helena on
Friday. For those of you who may not know where or what St Helena is, it
is an island (British possession) which covers an area of 122km
(squared). It is an extinct volcano, and rises up 823m. It was the place
of confinement of Napolean after the Battle of Waterloo. Now that the
Geography/History lesson is over...Our current position is 22* 30'S 04*
03'E. We are 666 nautical miles from St Helena, and have been averaging
140/150nm a day for the previous four or so days. We have all discussed
what cravings we will attend to first when we arrive at S.H. Amongst
these cravings: Beer, beer, pizza, burger, beer, and from my side some
jelly sweets (wine gums or anything!)

As you have already been told, we caught a massive long-fin tuna, which
we enjoyed as sushimi with pickled ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce. We
have even hung a few strips on a line to make fish biltong! What an
amazing team-building experience that was. We had all been adjusting to
our ever-changing sleep patterns and trying to find our sea legs, so the
catchin of the tuna really injected a bit of excitement and was a great
bonding experience!

We generally spend our free time sleeping, reading, chatting, and
occassionally we might watch a movie on the laptop. Pieter and I have
both been reading a book called "Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts. I
am about 150 pages into it, and enjoying it immensely. I would recommend
it as a must read!

Other than that, life is good on the mighty Atlantic Ocean, and we are
all doing very well!

We all look forward to your emails and comments.

Chat soon


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