Saturday, March 26, 2011

34 days at sea

Time takes on a whole new meaning when you have been at sea for 34 days
non stop.And with another six days or so to go before we get to Madeira
would bring the total to about forty days.How we keep our sanity is a
mystery,one of many we ponder.We become like the ocean I guss,ultra calm
as it has been for many days in a row now.One day just slips into the
other.What day of the week it is we can't just tell,we have to look at
our logbook.The sun comes up,the day goes by,we cook,we bake,we talk,we
listen to music,we recall memories,we make memories,we think.

Not once on this trip have there been a bad vibe between any of us.Small
things become big things.Today we bucketed a Portuguese Man O War or
blue bottle as we know it in SA.A type of jelly fish,apparently the
first form of life on planet earth.We saw it floating,turned
around,scooped it,studied it from all angles and slipped it back into
the ocean.We haven't had wind for days and Madeira,although only about
400 miles away,seems very far away at the speed we are motoring.At four
knots,we could be there in 100 hrs,but we have learned not to try and
gestimate our ETA,we will get there when we are supposed to.No way we
can rush it.

No wind for the next few days according to our weather predictions,and
wghen we will get wind,it will be against us.We are being tested,not
physically at all,but mentally.Part of our saving grace is that we can
stay in touch with people close to us and that include you.Part of it is
what we experience out here,pure,indiluted nature as it has been for as
long as it has been.The moon,the stars,the sun,the rainbows,the
wind,the water,the clouds,the rain,all of it forming us,saturating our
senses and touching our souls.

Yes,Madeira sound like Utopia to us.Probably why I love it so much,it
always comes after and extended period of time out at sea when we sail
to Europe.Can you imagine how much we long for all those things we so
easily take for granted when we are on land?

Today is Earth Hour,a time to think about our future and the future of
our planet.Every hour should be Earth Hour.Every action of ours should
be in line with a sustainable way of living.Life is sacred and every
action has consequences.We are the custodians of all around us.We are
responsible for what the future holds.It is in our hands to make a
difference.It is in our hearts we have to care.With all we have,with all
we are.And yes,you can make a difference.When you look in a mirror
again,there you will find the person that will make the difference.

Take care,of yourself,your future,your planet.


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