Monday, March 14, 2011

The great visitation

This morning,just after five,Brad woke up startled and stared wide eyed
out of the window:-"Where we going?".I was on the 3 to 6 watch and in
adverse weather I mostly sit inside and go out every ten minutes or so
to have a look around.I could see Brad was completely lost and asked
him:-"Who are you? What are you?".He has been suffering a bit from
insomnia and wakes up at all hours.And just before he has to start his
watch,he normally falls asleep.He soon realized that all is ok and
started chatting to me about this and that and laughed about his waking
up antics.He though he was on watch and fell asleep,one often have
dreams like this when you start sailing.At 5:45 he realized that I am on
watch and 15 minutes to go before he starts his 6 to 10 watch.Another
spell of laughter ensued,he was still a bit dazed and confused.

The heavy weather is here and we are doing exceedingly well.Not going to
fast our yacht finds her way between the waves rolling in,dancing
lightfooted on this shifting dance floor.Now and then she dips her
nose,or bow in nautical terms,in under a wave and spray covers the whole
boat.At times a little naughty,or not so little really,wave hits us
side on and also spills it load all over us.If you are attuned and
aware,you can normally duck into the boat when these things happen and
stay dry.It comes with time.Wind at this stage is peaking at 30 kts and
giving us just over 5kts.So yes,we are deeply reefed,a bit slow in
lighter winds but so what,can't rush a good thing.Pieter is also holding
up very well and his sealegs haven't faltered yet.

To some,water symbolizes the subconscience and land the conscience.The
ying and yang,the right brain and left brain,so many ways to portray and
try understand what we really are.We know so much,inherently,but so
often are not aware of what we know.The fine balance between being awake
and asleep,and the great worlds inbetween.The vivid scenes of
our lucid dreaming out here are phenominal.And then,after years of
trying,you find that you are awake and aware in your dreams.Not just
being swept along,but actually in control to a large extend.Dreamland
takes on a whole new dimension,and some of the more ancient cultures
also experienced this and gave it different words.And attached great
meaning to what they would find or encounter on there travels in this
dreamscape.My favorite sound in the whole wide world is whale song.It
speaks to something so deep inside,so primal,so undesrcibably moving.I
can talk a lot more about these things,but suffice to say,this morning
we had a huge sperm whale blessing us with it's presence.Showing us that
we are not alone,that all the good energy,the angels,the bubbles you
send to protect us,are with us.And that we are we are meant to be,right
here,right now.On a previous occasion I,for a moment questioned whether
there is any life out here,after a prolonged period of time on the
ocean.The thought just went out when a huge whale surfaced right next to
me.I had tears in my eyes,for no reasons that I could fathom,just
something deep within resonating with something,or perhaps the
realization that what we are as humans we don't really know,but we are
part and at one with every particle within and without.We have been at
sea now for twenty one days since our last stop,and the sperm whale
just smiled upon us.

My deepest sympathies to the Japanese,and to whales that they kill in
the name of research.

Our position at PM02:00UTC 12*59'N/31*18'W,we are about 3660nm from
Greece,400nm from Cape Verde and 1700nm from Madeira,our next stop.In a
straight line we are 1400nm from this beautiful island.Hope you have a
good one till we meet again.



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