Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aqua Terra Aqua

To not go to far off the track,I hope,lets look at the
elements.According to the Western mind there are four:-earth,water,air
and fire.The Chinese add an interesting slant to this,they seperate
earth into metal and wood.Let's focus for now on one,the one I spend
most of my time on,water.According to science,water once covered the
planet,the whole of the planet.When it was true blue I guess you could
say.And then a seperation happened and earth started popping up here
and there.The biggest earth body was called Gondolia,and when the
continents started to drift apart,Africa remained and the Americas
moved west,Europe formed in the north and so on.One of the most
interesting places I've been to is Madagascar.90% of the plants and
animals there are endemic,such an enormous variety.In the whole of
Africa there is one species of boabab,in Madagascar there are seven.The
biggest variety of chameleons also happen to be there,from the dwarf to
the giant chameleon,respectively the smallest and biggest chameleons in
the world.What Madagascar is most famous for are the lemurs.They are not
dogs,or cats,or monkeys or baboons.They are the predecessor of some of
these species.But much more about that much later and to get back on
track again,there is water all around us.And inside of us.70-80% of our
bodies consists of water,males less than females.And the salt levels in
our blood is exactly the same as the salt level of the oceans.Is this
just coincidence or does it perhaps tell us more about who we are and
where we came from,as human beings.And the effect of the moon on water
is undisputable.The tides that roll in and out twice a day is testimony
to that,and that the moon therefore would affect us as well,in a huge
way,cannot be disputed.Fish feed mostly at certain phases of the moon,in
rivers,dams and the ocean.Farmers of old knew when the best time to
plant which crop,all based on the phases of the moon.

On a symbolic level,water represents the subconscience,earth the
conscience.So we can deduct that long before there was conscience,there
was the subconscience.All around us,all inside us,falling from the
skies,seeping out of the earth,you find water just about everywhere.And
life without water,life as we know it is not possible without
water.Until very recently,it was thought that air,in whatever form,was
also essential to life.In underwater volcanoes a form of life was
discovered that flourishes without any air,in the hottest possible
enviroment.And if water is then the subconscience,why do we shy away
from what is so much part of us and influence us so greatly.Is it
perhaps because we cannot so easily control the subconscience.What you
suppress will persist and just keep on pushing harder and harder,until
you face it and discover what goes on beneath the surface.It is most
definetely the road less travelled by,sometimes surfacing in dreams.

Everytime you drink water,in whatever form,everytime you bath,everytime
you eat,everytime you do anything at all,water is there.Whether you take
it for granted or not,it is there.Wouldn't it be interesting to become
more aware of the water inside of us,the water outside of us,the water
all around us.I think there is much to learn from water,it is such an
incredible medium and conducter.Whales,before there was ships on the
ocean could let their songs travel all around the globe.And if you can
relate water to the subconcscience,you will find that then also
everywhere.So to answer the question where we do we come from,I think
the answer might just be right in front of you,right inside of you.

Today the ocean out here is calm and a gentle swell is rolling
through.Interesting also that you can survive for five weeks without
food,but only three days without water.This may just show how important
it is for us to look at water differently,and all it represents and
symbolizes.And on many levels,it is essential for our survival,inside
and out.It is also a most powerful force,and I would then wish for today
that the Force may be with you,and that you may be One with the Force,as
we are,although we don't really know it,not yet.

Our position at PM 03:00 UTC is 27*42'N/28*08'W.Wind has died down to a
breeze and we are motoring towards Madeira which is about 650nm away.In
km's that would be about 1200 km's only.And travelling at 5 kts/hr that
gives us about 9 kms/hr.Yeh,I guess sailors do it longer and slower.

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