Monday, March 28, 2011

Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

I for a reason did not post any blog on Sunday.It was far more important
for you to reflect on the night before,the dark hour,whether you
participated or not.It was also Brad's 24th birtday today and our
mailbox was loaded with good wishes for the young lad.Thanks to everyone
that made him feel special on his special day.Two birthdays we've had so
far on this trip.Brad had a choice of flapjacks,scones or cappuchino
muffins and he chose the latter.Half an hour later we were enjoying
muffins and a glass of milk.Probably not half as nice as his mommy's,but
mommy is far far away...ha ha ha.Lisa,he misses you terribly.

I would like to talk about the next element on my list.You may wonder
why we discuss elements and other related subjects.Partly due to the
fact that we are so close to the elements,and partly because I want to
take you on a journey,a mission of sorts.A journey from before there was
time right through to where time will be no more.For you to get the full
picture,we are just scratching the surface of the basic elements as a
foundation.Which brings me to fire.

Once upon time man,or I prefer to say humans,could witness fire mostly
caused by lightning striking and setting alight forests,scorching the
earth to make way for new growth.In time,we learned to harness and make
our own fire.The Bushman in Southern Africa was one of the first to
create enough friction betwwen a stick and a block of wood to get a
small ember which in turn would get a small tuff of dry grass
smouldering.By blowing on it,flames would eventually appear out of the
smoke which was used to light twigs and the twigs to set alight bigger
pieces of wood.Nowadays we switch on electricity,flick a Bic or strike a
match if we want fire,no big deal.Those days it must have been an
awesome feat,a kind of magic.Now they could keep themselves warm,protect
themselves against wild predators,and even started developing a taste
for bbq.

This new magic developed and soon they could build kilns and pottery was
born,vessels of clay baked hard that could store food and water.Some
time later,in the iron age,they learned about certain types of metal
that they could melt and cast into different shapes,either for tools to
dig the earth,weapons to hunt with or even jewelery to adorn their
bodies.And as with many discoveries,this all spread across the
globe,across the ocean,all very much similtaniously.How this happens is
another subject altogether,and also a fascinating one.

The centre of the earth is molten rock,and as soon as it gets out
through volcanoes and into contact with air,it also sets alight
everything in it's path as the lava starts to flow.And then of course
the sun,the big ball of fire in the sky.Much can be said about this
heavenly body and how it was,still is and probably till it oneday burns
out,will be feared,enjoyed,and worshipped by many.Zeus,according to
Greek Mythology,that seduced just about every maiden in the sky which
gave birth to other heavenly bodies again.And the easiest way to start a
fire from the sun,can you guess?I will write it backwards so you can
have a moment to think before you just read it.ssalg gniyfingam.of
course,a magnifying glass...ha ha ha.Did you enjoy that?

Can you imagine a life without fire?If you can you are one up on me.I
for the life of me can't.The more you think about it,the more you
realize what fire is.It is not just the flame at the end of the match
stick.There is far far more to fire than that.Imagine waking up with no
fire,and yes,electricity is a form of fire energy.Imagine one day not
having any contact with anything that was made with fire.No hot
shower,no clothes to wear,no car to drive,no tv,no computer,no
telephone,no furniture,no house even,the bricks were made with fire.No
roof over your head.I am sure you can add another hundred items to this
list,and I think we all get the point.The workings of fire is all aound
us,and if you exclude the sun as well,no food.So bottom line,no fire no
life.I now first have to switch on the gas stove and make myself a warm
cup of bush tea.And everywhere I look I see stuff that was made with
fire.Glass,metal,plastic and on and on and on.All different types and
shapes and sizes.Aaaah,that's better.I now get the point.

Fire as a symbol has many connotations and we will dive into that at
another stage,my favorite saying lately it seems,because there is just
so much to tell.But it is vitally important to understand as much as
possible about the elements before we start our journey,and I hope yiu
will bare with me.If I bore you I will be pleasantly surprised.Write me
and tell me so then.If I don't,please also write and me and tell me so.

With that,I conclude today's musings and sincerely hope that I have
given you something to think about.

Seems that we will arrive at Madeira within the next two days or so.Our
position at midnight UTC was 30*46'N/20*44'W.We are 230nm west of
Masiera and motorsailing on a close haul,pinching the wind a
little.Wishing you a great week ahead.


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