Friday, March 18, 2011

Flower power in the full equinox moon

Last night it was my turn to prepare supper,and armed with a secret
recipe for fishcakes,it was all systems go.First time for me and all I
will disclose that the fish I used was dorado.Have you ever had dorado
fishcakes?Decadent beyond words...ha ha ha.Served with peas,there was
not a morsel left,and it was a huge batch I made.Yummy yummy yummy.

The nearly full moon also shone down on us as the night set in,in all
her mysterious glory.Hardly a cloud in the sky,we were fully exposed to
the moonshine.And it is not just any full moon that will soon shine down
on you,it is the twice a year equinox,when the moon is closest and her
influence the most powerfull.The veil between the worlds we sometimes
speak of in hushed tones,the thinnest.The lunatics are on the loose,and
we,we just howl at the moon,from deep inside.Wild wild wild,it gets wild
out here.Wild as the wind can be at at times.

I have to watch myself,just want to let rip from the inside,and say all
I think,all I know,all I am.Poison in small doses can heal,in bigger
doses,can kill.But the path you walk is your own,you have to make your
own way,walk your own footsteps.And your destiny will find you,or you
will find your destiny.Are we the masters of our own fate,the captain of
our ships,or is it all predestined,what we are,what we see,what we will
be,what we feel.Not much technical jargon today,in fact not much of
anything at all.

Wonder what the first person experienced that discovered a
flower,blooming in a up to then fairly barren landscape.The colours,the
fragrance,the beauty,the fragile nature and structure.Was that person
left breathless,awestruck,no words to describe this miracle trembling in
the breeze.Take yourself there...yes you can.Deja'vu if you like,or
perhaps some memory stuck in the deepest crevices of your mind.In a way
you were there,you were that person,the cosmic conscienceness,the
morphic memory embedded for eternity.Did you bend down and smell the
flower,did you touch it apprehensively in complete amazement,did it stir
the first feelings of gentleness in you?Did you run and fetched your
partner and shared this amazing discovery,that will change human history
forever.Did you and your partner looked each other in the eye for the
first time,did you feel something inside welling up,did you shed a tear?

Please indulge me,I,a man,is trying to understand the mysterious power
of a flower.I am an absolute beginner,in this as in many other
pursuits.And to hide my ignorance,I would say flowers on Valentine's day
is purely commercial crap,to the great annoyance of my lovely wife,who
has to bear so much with her sometimes Homos Ignoramus of a husband she
has...ha ha ha.Thanks love ,and I send you thirteen ruby red roses.Ones
that will never fade and loose their lustre,that will shine on forever.

I a nutshell,I think today is a swell day to stop a moment and smell the
flowers,drink in all mesmerizing colours you see.I wonder who was
first,the butterfly or the flower?Anyway,you may think I suffer a bit
from moonstroke,so be it then.....Aaaaaahhhhooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!.Will
have to make sure we wear our mooncaps tonight,don our moonglasses and
rub in some moontan lotion.I lost it,lost the plot completely.

Our position at AM 09:00 UTC was 19*59'N/32*38'W.Very little wind,so
motorsailing.Have a magic weekend,take extra care,the full moon this
time of the year can have a dangerous effect,so before you do anything
you may regret later,rather don't.


1 comment:

  1. Paul, your musings (or. What some may call ramblings) remind of
    A dear friend of mine, eric. He is also a sailor and the saltiest of seadaogs.
    Happy lunar weekend. May your howls at the moon attract mermaids.....
    Take care
